
Shimmering Drop
Celebrating 20 years of Sweatdrop Studios and creating independent art and comics; Shimmering Drop showcases a variety of members and works from 2010-2021!
Red Riding Hood - Marbles
The Prince and the Pauper - ...
336 pages
Sparkling Drop
Celebrating 20 years of Sweatdrop Studios and creating independent art and comics; Sparkling Drop showcases a variety of members and works from 2001-2009!
A Message to You - Keds
Absent - Hwei
VK UK - Niki ...
368 pages
Patchwork Sky vol 2
If you had all the myriad worlds to search, what would you be looking for?
When the Watcher in Araithel fails to report in, Kite accepts the task of investigating his disappearance. She and Saryth have particular ...
192 pages
Artifaxis special bundle
In a world where technological progress has been stalled since the industrial revolution, shadowy forces compete to obtain control of a mysterious artifact.
An underfunded scientist, an illegal migrant and a child of ...
350 pages
The Sunset City. A long-abandoned ruin crumbling gently under the relentless pressure of wind and weather. Ancient guardian of the Awan Pass, the only route through the Shenhami mountain range which separates the land ...
36 pages
A Pocketful of Clouds vols 1-8
A comic about cats, clouds and the little things that are important.
Jenny has just moved to Eyrton, looking for skies to paint. But there's much more than skies in store for her. From the mysterious mistcats to the ...
1024 pages
A Pocketful of Clouds volume 8
All good things.
New and old friends arrive in Eyrton. Khenaten has to work on his clock tower theory, Shansa needs to show her working, and Jenny is still struggling with her art. All these efforts are brought to a ...
128 pages
Jigsaw Pieces 3
Warning! This is not a comic!
This is the third Jigsaw Pieces illustrated short story collection, featuring a grumpy retired warrior sent to tutor a duke's daughter (and ferret out an assassin), a young shaman ...
88 pages
Bird's Eye View
Nikiruka is finding being associated with the Vigiles is a mixed blessing. This time it has led to an actual commission, to clear his client's name of an accusation of murder six months old. Chiamaka has her own ...
32 pages
Trade Winds
When Kirill joined a diplomatic mission to investigate foreign magic, he didn't expect to fall in love. For Arika, the young magus offered an escape from an intolerable situation. Now, after ten years of married life on ...
218 pages